Up to the beginning of 2015, 85 parishioners have served as councillors. These have been predominantly male, in fact until 1990 there had been just three female councillors. The longest serving councillor has been Mr A C (Courtney) Thorne of Penstone Barton with 55 years service from 1934 to 1989. Mr David Burrow of Bolts Farm was a councillor for 45 years. 1956 to 2001. Mr Thorne's service included 20 years as Chairman, a period only exceeded by Mr John Pope of Copplestone House, whose Chairmanship of 26 years lasted from 1910 to 1936.
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District Councillor Sandy Chenore
District councillor Martin Binks
email: mbinks@middevon.gov.uk
email - frank.letch@devon.gov.uk